Sunday, November 6, 2016

Technology is NOT the future :(

You are unable to see the impact that technology, Apple products specifically, have on your life and the world until you are forced to live without the convenience of one for a period of time. Last week, I was leisurely watching Netflix on my laptop around 1 A.M. when multiple colored lines appear on my screen. My first reaction of course was to panic and click every single button I could, so when that didn't work, I called my dad crying. At 2 in the morning. Over a computer.

The past week has been ridiculous when it comes to doing anything that requires the Internet. I jumped from the computer lab in the library to my apartment computer lab to begging to use friend's computers to using my phone to access my homework. And of course, the week this happened had to be the week that I had two exams, a project, and a paper all due. Yet, the worst part was I was unable to continue my daily journey here on my blog.

Now, reflecting on the week with my newly-screen laptop on my table, it is incredible to see the amount of reliance we put on things that have been created by us. I don't leave my room without my IPhone glued to my hand. College students barely interact anymore simply because of our headphones in our ears and extensive focus on the screen in front of us. I, along with us all, am guilty of missing the wonders in our world because of the technology we so harshly rely on.

God tells us to set our minds on things above, and not on earthly things. The stress and fear and sadness and negative emotions we feel on a daily basis derives from the blurred set of priorities we place upon ourselves. I can honestly say I was so stressed over the loss of my laptop that I almost ignored my faith. Yet, when all of our stresses are put on Him, he will bring you peace. The man-made treasures on this Earth, such as technology, do not compare to the treasures offered by God.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these will be added unto you."
-Matthew 6:33

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