Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's FAITH, not resolution

In order to log onto a library computer in elementary school, your username included your last name and your graduation date. My friends and I always thought it was so funny to type in "15Lindsey", or whatever the case, because there was NO WAY we were actually going to get to the year 2015. The year we graduated from high school.

It is now so incredible to believe we are in the year 2017. I have not only made it past graduation, but three entire semesters of my college career. And each year, the time seems to move quicker and life seems to become more real. Each year, I set "goals" that I intend to accomplish in the next 365 days. Yet, each and every year, the time seems to get away from me and those hundreds of days turn into a single hundred, and then even less. That checklist I had given myself in the beginning of the year is left unchecked.

So, I am challenging myself to a whole new outlook in 2017. I'm challenging myself to not make a list of these things to finish, but to have faith in those things I have no control over. I am challenging myself to believe that there is a plan for me, and that there are people out there that are placed in my life to help me succeed. I'm striving to not create tasks to complete, but to be open and to listen to the gracious tasks that have already been created. This year, I am going to follow faith, and not resolutions.

I challenge you, friends, to take this same approach to this new year. We could make endless lists to the things we would like to change, or resolve, yet the most important and beneficial change we could make is to merely have faith in what we cannot solve. I am so excited to see what these new thoughts will bring in 2017, and I am even more excited to be able to support you all in your new faith!

I hope you all have a blessed new year, full of love, happiness, and positivity! :)

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Processing the newfound processes of the ever-changing process around me.

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